Arthritis is a disabling disease that affects millions of people. It is characterised by inflammation of the body's joints. Symptoms can include swelling, recurring pain or tenderness, redness or heat, with limitation of motion in one or more joints. Early morning stiffness, and skin changes including rashes and growths may be present as well. Common forms of arthritis include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gouty arthritis. Because each foot contains 33 joints and bears a tremendous amount of weight and pressure, feet may be more susceptible to arthritis than other parts of the body.
- Heredity
- Age
- Viral and bacterial infections
- Excessive weight
- Prescription and illegal drugs
- Systemic disease
- Ill-fitting shoes
- Trauma
- Wear supportive shoes on a daily basis.
- Begin a program of physical therapy, exercise, or massage.
- Use ice packs or hot packs.
- Soak feet in lukewarm water.
- Wear shock-retarding insoles.
WHAT CAN A foot health Practitioner DO FOR YOU?
- Ask you to see your Doctor for X-rays, bone scan, CT, MRI or other imaging studies, and joint evaluation through your GP.
- Recommend custom orthoses and/or shoe changes.
- If the problem persists, surgery may be necessary but your Specialist Surgeon may advise this.